What shall I wear ?
I’ve not booked a shoot before as I know the kids will just have a grump that day.
I’m not photogenic. I’d really like some photos of all of us but I’m just not sure I can pose.
Take a quick peak below to find out what to do!

Just what do I wear?
Comfortable clothes and shoes are key!
Avoid large logos and really bright colours – they’ll overpower everyone else in the shot and also can date the photos. Let’s go for a timeless look, so you can show off the images for years to come.
Have a think about coordinating colours – think about the word ‘complement‘ rather than ‘matching.’
Solid colours work well. Someone in patterns or stripes can be ok, but if everyone is competing, it’s going to be hard work! (having said that, to contradict everything, the family above smashed it; my eyes go to their expressions and the love they have for each other, the clothes don’t feature.)
But can you imagine what the kids will get up to ?
They usually prefer knowing what’s going to happen, so tell them in advance, but focus on how much fun it will be, that they can run around and play. Be excited yourself, excited, enthusiastic attitude is often contagious!
Bring along a favourite teddy or toy or blanket – especially if they are a little nervous. Something safe to hold onto is a perfect start, and I can open up a conversation with them about it, involve the teddy in the shots and before you know it, they are happy and confident to start the shoot.
Give the kids some control – ask if they have any ideas of shots; family races, piggy backs, showing off handstands or football skills. Or if you have any ideas of posed shots you’d like to do, or all climbing a tree together or capturing you all jumping. Drop me a message beforehand so we can ensure we don’t miss it.

Like, how are we all going to pose ? I can never get a good picture of me.
Incorporate an activity that the family loves to do together – reading books, drum sticks, rugby, chase, climbing, cards, pooh sticks ? Bring it along – when you are engaged in doing something that you love together, it’s easy to capture the emotion and authentic photos.
Create candid shots by interacting playfully with your children – laugh, play, snuggle, tickle. That’s how we’ll capture the real moments.
I don’t need you to be looking at the camera for every shot – focus on enjoying time with your family – the rest will fall into place. We’ll do a few gently posed shots towards the end of the shoot where I’ll give you a little direction.
Step back, allow natural interactions to happen – not fake smiles
Don’t be afraid to go with the moment – pick your child up, throw them in the air, suggest a jumping competition, or a puddle splash. Give you partner a kiss on the cheek. Have fun. Laugh, Enjoy. Kiss. Play. Hug. That way, I get to capture the beauty of your family as you are. No ‘cheese’ or ‘smile’ here!
A few last tips …
Get ready early! especially mums and dads – usually busy ensuring everyone else is ready, plan time in beforehand for the youngest to spill his drink down his clean top, and for you to get ready. A rushed arrival generally means a rushed and stressful shoot, so start early !
Make sure you are all fed and watered! Hangry times equal unhappy shoots. If you are going for a meal after the shoot, then make sure you’ve all had a snack first.
Hidden treats and snacks work wonders – just wait until they start getting a little tired BEFORE you tell them about the snacks
Relax, slow down, don’t force anything. Don’t feel pressured to make everything perfect! Just be present with your family and I’ll do the rest. And don’t get stressed if any of the kids get fussy! As a former teacher and experienced photographer, I’ve seen it all before, trust me and we can still capture beautiful images.