I have had the total pleasure of being with these guys for two sessions so far, and we have another booked in for when the new arrival makes an appearance. And they are a dream to work with.

.I met the family at Greenbelt a few years ago, when out of the hundreds of children there each year, Sarah and John just happened to catch my eye 2 years in a row around site, and their mum was working a few hours stewarding at one of the venues, so we got chatting. I’m by no means a regular figure in the kids lives, but you wouldn’t know to look! They let me tag along in their exploring and are open to climbing and running and most suggestions I throw at them.

A few races across the grass finished the session off and I’m so looking forward to catching up again later this year, when Rupert will no doubt be scurrying after big brother and sister, throwing those autumn leaves around and puddle splashing if there is half a chance and, I’m betting new little one will be watching the goings on intently and before we know it, will be joining in too!